You might be thinking: “If I disclose my website budget, surely the agency will increase their costs to match my numbers!“
This is a common concern voiced by many clients when showing their hand when it comes to a website budget. However, a website proposal is often actually built to a budget. You simply can’t get a 40,000€ website for a 5,000€ budget, or even a $200,000 website for $50,000. Whether or not you reveal your budget upfront, this certainty will remain. What you should be aiming for is the best possible solution that maximises your return on investment.
Read on to avoid the unnecessary pitfalls you will most surely run into if you keep your website budget a secret!
What could possibly go wrong if I don’t reveal my website budget?
1. Lost time and effort
Here’s an example. Say you have completed a Website brief and you know exactly how your website should look, feel and function. Now you’re ready to start the pitch process, but the agencies you’re asking to pitch have no idea about your budget. Depending on the clarity of your requirements, you may receive proposals that are far higher than expected! You will then need to go back to the agency and work out what needs to be revisited or even removed just to bring down the cost. This takes considerable time and effort, resulting in delays and disappointment that could otherwise be avoided.
Knowing your budget upfront simply guides the agency to the best solution within a given cost. If you have concerns about revealing your exact budget or you aren’t even sure what it is, offer a ballpark figure. For example, between 50,000€ and 80,000€. That way, the agency won’t offer solutions that are out of budget.
2. Reduced quality
If the agency is unaware of your budget, there is a good chance they will come in higher than anticipated. You will then begin the arduous task of costing up each item or reviewing alternative solutions for each part of your website. The end result is a website that keeps whatever features fit your budget rather than following the holistic approach needed for the best possible outcome.
3. Guessing games are not fun
A new pitch is always exciting for an agency. To come up with innovative proposals takes a huge investment in time and money. You expect the best solution for your organisation, so why ask a professional agency to embark on this journey with you and then provide them with little or no direction? You risk receiving such a variance in costs and proposals that you couldn’t possibly determine which agency has offered the best value for your money (if they’ve bothered to offer at all!).
The obvious benefits of disclosing your budget
While we know you have reservations about divulging your budget, there are actually more benefits to this approach than you may realise:

1. Compare apples with apples
Increase the chances of receiving similar quotes from the agencies by revealing your website budget. This way, you’re able to focus more on the best solution, rather than just the best price, which may not necessarily correspond to the website you are looking for.
2. Make budgeting simple
When you disclose your budget, everyone starts on the same page. Ask the agency for specific information about what their proposal will cover. We’re not only referring to the “fancy features”, but also other areas such as online marketing for your new website, SEO or future functionalities and integrations.
By being transparent, both you and the agency understand what needs to be covered. If they can’t provide the whole solution, you can set aside that amount with a common understanding.
3. Get realistic proposals
You probably aren’t going to get a fully customized CMS with high-quality designs, animations and extensive integrations for 30.000€. But there are alternatives out there that could work for you. When an agency is aware of your budget, it gives them the opportunity to recommend the best possible options available.
See? There’s no need to fear the worst when revealing your budget to an agency! Rather, look at it as the way of providing the best possible solution at a price you can afford. It will optimize your time, resources and internal discussions. It will also free up the agency from unnecessary guesswork, creating a healthier relationship from the start.
At Molina Visuals, we tailor our proposals to your needs and budget. Our primary objective is to ensure that your audience instantly feels and understands the passion of your offer through your website. Our Web Design team is always ready to dream up ingenious solutions for your organization and untapped audiences.
Need some inspiration? Step into the magic by browsing our recent work.